Michael Bierut is the author of a humorous, but informative article titled Warning May Contain Non-Design Content. He tells us about his "starved for design days" in the 1970s when he was in design school in Cincinnati. In his senior year, he was offered a job to design a catalog for the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center on the work of theater designer Robert Wilson. CAC did not hire him because he knew anything about Robert Wilson, they hired him because he was cheap. Bierut thought he was a pretty good designer, and he did not feel it was important to know anything about Robert Wilson. A year later he saw his first Robert Wilson production of Einstein on the Beach and thought it was epic, miraculous, hypnotic, and transcendent. He realized he had messed up the catalog and that his design relayed none of those things. 
    Bierut states in his article to other designers that they should be passionate about the subject of their design and that more things you are interested in, the better your work will be. He also says 
"Not everything is design. But design is about everything. So do yourself a favor; be ready for everything."
    I thought this article was very informative and helpful if you are looking to be hired for a job in design. It is important to be passionate and informed about your subject on a lot of different subjects not only helps you in your job, but also makes you a more interesting person.

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