Michael Bierut, the author of this article, tells a story about when he first started out as designer at Vignelli's. He was designing a brochure with his boss and taking notes on what was going to be in the brochure. His boss told him they needed a great photographer like Arnold Newman, so he got out the phone book and called Arnold Newman on the phone. Michael did not realize that Arnold Newman was a famous photographer and treated him briskly and unprofessional. Michael even ask Mr. Newman to send his portfolio to them because they might be interested in hiring him. When his portfolio arrived, Michael realized Arnold Newman was famous for his work, especially his photo of John F. Kennedy in front of the White House. From that day forward Michael Bierut learned the lesson that he should treat everyone with respect and professionalism and to do more research before he talks to someone on the phone.
    This was a great article, but I feel that I usually treat others with respect. I can learn from doing more research before contacting someone though, because it is important to know who you are talking to and not to sound dumb on the phone. No one should be thought of, or treated as below you or above you because everyone is equal. Humility is a trait that everyone should try to have and I will try to have more. I am probably one of those people that worries too much about people in authority, and I have to realize that they are just people like me.

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