The article/video, "The Making of the 2016 Olympic Logo", is written by Graham Smith. This short article is about the design of the 2016 Olympic logo which is made by Tátil Design de Ideias. This logo at first looks like 3 people holding hands, but this logo turns into something far more meaningful if you understand the culture of Rio. This logo was designed with 12 topics in mind, had to be made so it effected people on an emotional level and not just a technical level, and it had to be easy to understand and recognize. This logo is based on the main tourist attraction sugarloaf, and is made to replicate the shape of the mountains with three people embracing the city. 
    I feel this article/video portrayed the creation of the 2016 olympic logo as a very hard but exciting thing to create. This logo has many meanings and makes you have to understand the culture, history, and geography of Rio to understand the design.

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