David Airey posted Lee Newham's, 15 Graphic Design Interview Tips on his site. The tips were originally published on August 1st, 2008. Lee Newham is the founder of Good People, and the former design director at London-based Davies Hall. Newham stresses that you should be memorable, unique and show your brand. It is important to present your business card which should be designed from a great idea, have 8-12 pieces in your portfolio with the best pieces in the front and back, have your CV (resume) in the back of your portfolio, and have at least six questions ready to ask. To look organized, it is important to have a pencil and paper ready to write anything down. It is also important to talk a little before showing your work. You should have samples, mock ups, and sketches to show how you got your final solution. Only have career related things on your resume,and give a firm hand shake. Do not talk about holidays and money on this first interview. Get the companie's business card and tell them how much you want this job. Send a "thank you" email after the interview. Work hard to be the top 20% of the designers that get jobs because there are more designers than there are jobs. Listen to what your interviewer has to say to improve your portfolio. As Lee Newham says, "It is not a historical record of your college journey", It is a tool in getting a job. Lee also says showing work on a lab top is helpful, but don't put effects that distract from your work. Update your portfolio as you go. Lastly, Newham says to ask the interviewer if they have any reservation about you so you can answer any doubts they may have, stressing that you really want the job. Lee Newham states that you will learn a lot from your first job so try to work for a good company and then the money will come later.    

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